Guatemala Green Coffee Origin Report 2021
Patios drying coffee Guatemala The 2021 harvest season in Guatemala came to a close earlier this year with some hurricane-induced delays, but also with exciting improvements in [...]
Understanding C-Market Price Swings and the Brazil Frost
In late July a severe frost hit Brazil's coffee growing regions. Most affected were South de Minas and Parana. Yet another cold front hit the following week. These events [...]
Green Coffee Prices | A Beginners Guide
The price of Green Coffee generally gravitates around the regulated futures exchanges which, for both Arabica and Robusta, used to operate with real-live humans in New York and London respectively but [...]
18 Must-Know Green Coffee Terms
Buying specialty green coffee with Genuine Origin is straightforward and simple — our prices are transparent, our Q-graders give us flavor notes and scores, shipping is always FREE, and [...]
Green Coffee Mill in Jaén Celebrates Its First Birthday
Procesadora del Sur, Genuine Origin's sister company in Peru, is celebrating the first anniversary of its new green coffee mill in Jaén, in the Cajamarca coffee region in northern Peru. The dry [...]
Volcafe Way Report – Making Coffee Producers Profitable
The Volcafe Way is the global farm sustainability arm of Volcafe (Genuine Origin's parent company). With hundreds of field technicians worldwide, Volcafe Way is helping thousands of farmers improve [...]