Volcafe Way Grows in Africa
“Profitability is good to chase, but hard to achieve,” Elizabeth Mbau said back in May, on a call from Costa Rica. In April, Mbau joined our team as the [...]
Guatemala La Morena Is Women’s Work
“I got in touch with the IWCA chapter here in Guatemala, called Mujeres en Café, and I started talking to Celeste Fumagalli, who was then the president. We started [...]
Cupping Coffee Hybrids with World Coffee Reseach
By Jen Hurd World Coffee Research (WCR) recently hosted a lecture and tasting around its new F1 coffee hybrid varieties at the Buckman Coffee Factory in Portland, Oregon. As someone [...]
Fourth-Wave Coffee Will Break All the Barriers
Emily Smith spent several years as a quality-control manager for a large specialty roaster in Washington State before becoming an independent consultant to smaller roasters, helping them to build [...]
In Costa Rica, It’s All About Quality
Riley Thomson is based in San Jose and, after years in the field as a farmer support technician, now oversees the Volcafe Way Farmer Support Organization (FSO) in Costa [...]
Women in Coffee: Tanzania Edition
When women are involved — particularly, when women are board members or are in leadership roles, and especially when there are at least three of them — companies do better. They [...]