Green Coffee Beans Blog2023-03-21T15:49:27-04:00
  • Liz Mbau, Volcafe Way Coordinator for Africa

Volcafe Way Grows in Africa

“Profitability is good to chase, but hard to achieve,” Elizabeth Mbau said back in May, on a call from Costa Rica. In April, Mbau joined our team as the [...]

  • Meet the women of Guatemala La Morena.

Guatemala La Morena Is Women’s Work

“I got in touch with the IWCA chapter here in Guatemala, called Mujeres en Café, and I started talking to Celeste Fumagalli, who was then the president. We started [...]

  • Coffee roaster and green coffee consultant, Emily Smith.

Fourth-Wave Coffee Will Break All the Barriers

Emily Smith spent several years as a quality-control manager for a large specialty roaster in Washington State before becoming an independent consultant to smaller roasters, helping them to build [...]

  • Riley Thomson leads the coffee farmer support team in Costa Rica.

In Costa Rica, It’s All About Quality

Riley Thomson is based in San Jose and, after years in the field as a farmer support technician, now oversees the Volcafe Way Farmer Support Organization (FSO) in Costa [...]

  • At the Mamsera green coffee cooperative, in northern Tanzania, Mary Shayo is the influential secretary.

Women in Coffee: Tanzania Edition

When women are involved — particularly, when women are board members or are in leadership roles, and especially when there are at least three of them — companies do better. They [...]

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