Green Coffee Beans Blog2023-03-21T15:49:27-04:00
  • Kenyan coffee packed in jute bags with Kenya map

Kenyan Coffee | Origin Report 2024

Kenyan coffee has an impressive reputation – it’s renowned for its quality, its producers are highly attentive to detail when it comes to processing, and, most of all, for [...]

  • Fresh roasted coffee beans - Img by Creative Credit from Getty Images

A Quick Guide to Coffee Blends

Coffee Roasters are ever curious about coffee, so the Genuine Origin team is constantly fielding questions. But one topic that comes up often is: blending coffee. Coffee blends have [...]

  • Many different color mugs of coffee grouped together

Coffee Events | Second Quarter 2024

Was it just us, or did the first quarter of 2024 fly by? Here are more coffee events, expos, and competitions for your calendar this spring! It’s also world [...]

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